Hi, we’re Joey and Zuleika. Through our own life experiences and more than 25 years of marriage ministry, we can help you apply proven principles that will strengthen your marriage.

These basic principles are found in scripture and are foundational to living life together in a way that glorifies God and makes life fulfilling. Our goal as a couple is to be transparent in all areas and demonstrate that living life together can be an enjoyable journey into God’s purpose.

“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.” Ephesians 4:2-3

Joey & Zuleika Torres

Lead Pastors
Lighthouse Chapel Miami


"God has used this ministry to change our lives and marriage. We are forever grateful for the leadership of Joey and Zuleika."
Richard & Chavelin
Basic Principles Graduates
"The Basic Principles of Marriage helped us start our marriage in the best way, knowing God's plan and helping us learn how to effectively serve each other."
Erick & Dayana
Basic Principles Graduates
"We are thankful to Living Life Together for its amazing input in our marriage. God continues to use the lessons we learned to help our everyday married life."
Marcos & Michelle
Basic Principles Graduates